crossorigin="anonymous"> Fluid Health and Fitness – Stillwater, MN – Twin Cities Business Events

Fluid Health and Fitness – Stillwater, MN

As humans, we are notorious for pushing through our pain for the sake of productivity or for the joy of getting to do something we love, like sports. How we move through daily activities, overtime can cause our bodies to break down. According to Columbia Department of Neurology, “Repetitive motion injuries, also called repetitive stress injuries, are temporary or permanent injuries to muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons caused by performing the same motion over and over again.” Often, we develop poor postures and movement patterns that warp how we’re naturally meant to move. The cumulative effect of this damages our joints and connective tissues. Fluid Health & Fitness, is a one-of-a-kind movement management system, that teaches individuals optimal kinesiology to fully rehab their injury cycles. While your body is complex, understanding how to care for it doesn’t have to be. To remain healthy, you must stay in motion. To stay in motion, you must move correctly. Fluid Health & Fitness will train you to move with greater precision to prevent, avoid, or reduce injury.



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